
We finished up our series called “Uncomfortable” today.  I was able to speak for this one, which was entitled “Armchair Quarterback.”  I talked about criticism: 1. Who gets criticized (ALL OF US!) 2. How to handle criticism.  I was glad I had the opportunity to speak, and more importantly, that God spoke to me about this subject in my own life.  I led worship as well today and was pleased that everything went so well!  I even changed a song on the way to the church (heard it on the radio, and just felt like God was saying “Do this one today.”  So I did, and I am glad I did!  I had “From The Inside Out” planned, but then swapped it out for “Revelation Song.”  Alrighty, here is the setlist!

  • You Never Let GoRedman/Redman


  • God You ReignBrewster/Fieldes

Message – “Armchair Quarterback” (Criticism)

Time of response


Missionary Testimony

  • Revelation SongRiddle
  • A New HallelujahBaloche/Smith/Smith

I hope everyone had a great day in their churches!  This post is also part of Sunday Setlists at Fred McKinnon [dot] com.

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