
Just a quick post for the setlist.  I am at the airport with my wife to catch a plane to Vegas for some R & R.  This is our 20th anniversary year, so we decided to take a little trip together for the week!

We had a great day of worship today!  Everything went just great!  The people were singing with all their hearts as we lifted up our God in praise!  I am so proud of the team that led.  Revelation Song is quickly becoming a favorite of mine, and the people sing it out with conviction!  Our Pastor did an awesome job speaking today about “Two Roads, Two Gates, Two Destinations” out of Matthew 7:13-14 !  Heaven and Hell!  Don’t hear much about Hell these days!  Well, that is all for now, here is the setlist for the weekend:

  • Today Is The DayBaloche/Brewster

Time to greet one another

  • Revelation SongRiddle

Video Intro for message

Message -Two Roads, Two Gates, Two Destinations

Time of response


  • At The CrossMorgan/Zschech
  • Mighty To SaveFielding/Morgan

Hope you had a great day in your place of worship!  This post is also part of Sunday Setlists at Fred McKinnon [dot] com.

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