Gonna change things up a bit here and post the best links of the week on Thursday rather than Friday. Here are some great posts from this last week!  Enjoy!

  • Perry Noble encourages all those in full time ministry (and really anyone who has EVER made mistakes in their past) with this post called “Don’t Allow Past Mistakes To Rob You Of An Amazing Future.”  This reminded me of a post I need to write… soon!
  • Donald Miller post on “How To Guide A Team Through Conflict.”  Really an amazing post on going through conflict.  Must. Read.This.
  • Many church leaders I know spend a lot of time criticizing other church leaders because of a different direction and style of ministry (A colossal waste of time by the way!).   They are uncomfortable with change (Or do not have the guts to make the changes) and it is easier to criticize than create, so that is what they do.  Seth Godin‘s post, “Do You Need A Permit, ” addresses criticizing visionaries and those that are different than we are.  We should celebrate, not criticize those that can do what we can and will not do to reach people.  Awesome post!
  • We all need more margin in life.  You know, the space where there is nothing.  We fill that space with stuff, but in reality, that margin is what helps us to do ministry.  Tim Stevens has some great words on this in his post, “A Space For Margin.”

I hope you all have a great weekend!

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