Friday Links
So, I did not get to really blog this week like I thought I was going to. Still have some thoughts up there that need to come out, and I will try and get them down on this digital paper here soon. For now, here are some more great posts from this last week that are worth your reading! Enjoy, and have a great weekend!
- Tony Morgan has three you need to check out: The Loudest Voice, “And” Instead of “Or”, and my favorite this week, Driving the Chevy Impala.
- Tim Stevens says that You Will Never Have Enough Staff, and talks about why. Great post!
- Pete Wilson talks about spiritual growth and how You Can’t Microwave It. Love his thoughts. Every person is somewhere in their journey, and it is different than where you are. The goal is to take the next step, not to make them into you or anyone else.
- Speaking of next steps, Mark Waltz shares a real-life experience in his post, Hacky-Sack, Mountain Dew & Next Steps.
That is all for this week!