Friday Links
Here are some links to some great posts from the week. I hope you find them helpful!
- Perry Noble gives us “11 Signs You May Be Experiencing Ministry Burnout.” If you are in ministry, you need to read this. You also need to take care of yourself to guard against becoming burnt out!
- Mark Beeson tells us that “Good Times Don’t Always Require Alot Of Money.” For someone on a budget, or who just lost there job, Mark has some great words on how to make the most with what we do have to make memories this summer with your family. I plan on taking some of his advice. I think I will start with the one about choosing a good attitude!
- Donald Miller brings up a statement that hit me over the head a year ago in his post “Healthy Friends Are Responsible To, Not For Each Other.” I wrote about it not too long ago after attending a workshop at Granger Community Church.
- Pete Wilson asks “What’s The Point” in reference to what the goal of the message that is preached. Some good food for thought in that post and in the comments.
May you all have a blessed weekend!