Today I have another quote to share from the Global Leadership Summit.  This one is from Jeff Manion, author of The Land Between.  This was a very, very timely message for me as we are in our “land between.”  I ended up buying his book at the Summit and will hopefully do a review here in the near future.  One of the many great quotes I got from Jeff was this:

“The land between is the best place for transformational growth.  But it can also be the place where faith goes to die.  The land between is the very soil where God does some of His richest and deepest work.”

Of course the greatest illustration of what Jeff talked about is the nation of Israel as they wandered in the desert.  It is this story that he writes about in his book.  Israel had a choice: either obey, let God lead and get to the promised land, or disobey, complain against God, and wander around until everyone that current generation of leaders died.  Of course, we know the rest of the story.  We know that Israel ended up wandering around for 40 years.

In my “Land Between,” I want to do my best to let God grow me.  I want God to work in me.  Not so people can say anything about me, but so I can come out on the other side more like Jesus and with a deeper love and commitment to serve others.  We have learned a lot in out Land Between, and as far as I know we still have several months to go.  When in that land, we can either get bitter or better.  Our faith will either die or take a great step forward.

It would have been easier to have “wished away” my land between, but I really believe we will be better because of it.  I already feel like I have learned so much, and I pray daily for God to teach us, and use us to reach others.

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