Kids Say The Darndest Things! (Christian version) – part 2
As we continue on from yesterday’s post, we will look at a couple more saying of immature Christians…
3. “There is no where for me to get involved” – This is usually a statement that is made by those people who are looking for a high profile “position” rather than a ministry in a church. This is many times also said by those who do not get their way. It is an excuse to leave. We want people to serve where they are gifted, but many times people want to serve where there is high praise or instant recognition. It takes all kids of people to do ministry. Some people are out-in-front type people, some are behind the scenes. What is the bottom line? The bottom line is that both are just as important. I have never in 20 years of ministry been in a position where I had a waiting line to get involved in ministry. There has always been something to do. I have had people either quit a team (or the church) because I would not put them out in front as much as what they wanted
4. “We can’t find any friends” or “This church is full of clicks” – Now, I cannot that there are no clicks in a church. Certainly there can be. no matter how hard a church tries at not having them, they are bound to show up in some way. But most of the time I have had people say this, it is because they have not gotten involved in anything. (See #3 above). I mean, how in the heck do you expect to get to know people when you come to church late, leave during the invitation and never get involved in a ministry. Most clicks are made up of people that are faithful members that are serving together. If you are not part of the “click,” what does that tell you? My advice? Get off your butt and do something for God and for someone else. (This goes for #3 as well!) Once you do that, it will be hard for you to say that you are not fitting in or meeting people.
5. “_________________ is why we are leaving the church.” (You fill in the blank). My mentor in the ministry told me very early on that “the reason people say they are leaving the church is NEVER the real reason why they are leaving the church. Most of the time it is something they are struggling with, but it is easier to blame it on the church or the pastors of the church.” Quite honestly, I have never really been affected too much by people leaving the church. It is not that I like it when people leave. I leave that in God’s hands. I think he purges and moves people for reasons that we many times may not know. Sometimes it is for their benefit, sometimes it is for the benefit of the church. Either way, if I am more focused on keeping people than reaching people, I am in trouble already.
I know this is not an exhaustive list… what are some other statements you have heard immature Christians make?
Ron Amundson
3 is a fascinating one… and yes, I’ve been in waiting lines for specific roles, but there is never any waiting as long as one is open for any role. What blew my mind, is when Stephen and crew were selected to serve the widows. Note the qualifications… then note, they got a newbie involved too. I completely missed that years ago, now I always try to get newbies rolling, as it also upsets the status quo, and for the most part, thats a good thing too.