I am reading Mark Batterson’s “Wild Goose Chase,” and I came across a paragraph that I just had to share.  I am sure there will be more that I will glean from this book, but for now, chew on this with me:

“Some of us live as if we expect to  hear God say, ‘Well thought, good and faithful servant!’ or “Well said, good and faithful servant!’ God isn’t going to say any of those things. There is only one commendation, and it is the by-product  of pursuing God-ordained passion: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.'”

To introduce this, Mark said “When Christianity turns into a noun, it becomes a turnoff.  Christianity was always intended to be a verb.”

In other words, good intentions are at best, good intentions.  Good thoughts are at best good thoughts, and good speech is at best good speech.  What matters is not what is intended, thought or spoken about for Jesus.  What matters it what is done for Jesus.

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