millionmilesHow can I make a difference in the world I live in?  How can I impact the lives of other people? Will the story of my life be worth reading when it is over?  These are questions that Donald Miller tackles in his new book, “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.”  As two film makers come to him to make a movie from one of his books (Blue Like Jazz), Donald looks at his life and realizes that there really is nothing exciting about the life he has lived.  The rest of the book is a description of how Donald sets out to change that; to write a better story for his life. Donald’s writing is so different from any other author I have read.  He is authentic, honest and sometimes would be considered irreverent by some mainstream denominations.  One part of the book that really grabbed me was this paragraph;

If I have a hope, it’s that God sat over the dark nothing and wrote you and me, specifically, into the story and put us in with the sunset and the rainstorm as thought to say, Enjoy your place in my story. The beauty of it means you matter, and you can create within it even as I created you.

God has given us the freedom to be creative and to write a great story for our life.  As Donald elaborates throughout the book, that great story inevitably will include conflict, and inciting incident that will stir our souls to do something that will make our stories better as we live within the great story of God.

Our stories may not include as exciting of a journey as Donald’s did.  That is not his point.  His point is that we should do our best to live a life that matters. That we should get off of our butts and live to impact others around us.  That alone will create a better story.

You can win a copy of this book by leaving a comment here on this post.  Winner will be chosen by random drawing on Friday!

You can purchase the book here at

  1. Jason, reading what you wrote, “get off of our butts and live to impact others” made reading what you wrote worth it! Give it to me straight and simple.
    Just this morning I heard about a 13 yr. old girl from Aurora, Colorado that started orphanages in Peru that now raises thousands of fatherless/motherless children. Her family doesn’t have money, but she had a vision and determination. What an inspiration!

    Thanks for the book review.

  2. I’ve read two of Miller’s books and I wasn’t too impressed. I just don’t think he really has that much to offer as an author. His experiences are pretty mediocre and his writing style is kind of boring. I feel like he’s trying too hard to be one of those “cool Christians” that aren’t traditional. Doesn’t feel genuine to me.

  3. I have to agree with Jessica. He gets your attention, but I think that his teachings don’t actually contain much substance. Some of the content is also questionable (see,,PTID314526%7CCHID598014%7CCIID2157892,00.html).

    A couple of years ago, the pastor in charge of our singles group had us watch a video from his “Blue Like Jazz” DVD. It was filled with comedy, and the jokes kept coming every few seconds. When it came time to discuss the video though, none of us could easily tell what his main points were — not even the pastor, and he was a big fan of the guy.

    I think that’s one problem with Miller. He tries to be cool and he uses plenty of humor, but this ultimately comes at the expense of the message itself.

  4. Alright, a little late, I know. I had my wife pick a number between 1 and 5 (the number of comment posts) and the winner is…..

    #1 – Anthony Guide

    Congrats Anthony! I will get the book to you!


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