Update On Josiah: December 31st
Update on Josiah as of Friday, December 31 at 4 PM:
We have had a nice relaxing day for the most part. Well, I should say everyone but Josiah. He woke up to physical therapy at 8AM, which is the earliest he has had to be up and around for any of his sessions. He did a great job with everything today, and is now resting in our room with us for the rest of the day. He does not have any therapy until Sunday at 12:30 PM, so he just gets to hang out with us!
Here are some highlights from the day:
- Since we found out that we have until Sunday afternoon until another therapy session, we will all get to go to church together for the first time in over a month. We are certainly looking forward to that!
- Josiah pretty much flew through his physical therapy today. He is recovering so quickly. There are still hurdles to cross, but overall, he is in such a good place physically.
- We were fortunate enough to get a room at The Inn, which is connected to the hospital where Josiah is staying. It is bigger than any hotel room I have ever stayed in!
- So far, Josiah has walked everywhere with us today; even down to the cafeteria! He will likely lose his wheelchair in the next day or so.
- He had opportunity to play with his new game system last night. He loves it, and I love seeing him interact as he plays! He sounds just like my Josiah!
- His doctor pretty much said today he would be going home some time next week. This is great news for us, but also makes us a bit nervous
Here are a few things to remember in prayer for Josiah and the family:
- Pray for his return home. Pray for his safety at home as he continues to gain his independence. Pray that he is able to get the care that is needed when it comes to therapy. One of my big concerns is that they are just going to cut him loose, and he is no where ready for that. Please pray that we get good news about his outpatient care this week!
- Pray for safety as the family will be traveling back Sunday.
- Pray for the nerves on the right side of his face. We want to see movement in them! He will likely still have a trip to U of M sometime in the next couple of weeks to meet with the specialist.
- Pray for us as we strive to communicate God’s love to those around us through word and deed. Pray that we can help people realize that they matter to God and to us.
Psalm 90:16-17 “Do wonderful things for us, your servants, and show your mighty power to our children. Our Lord and our God, treat us with kindness and let all go well for us. Please let all go well!”
Jake and Wanda
JASON: I love the verses you post each day, they are just what I need. So happy that Josiah is doing so good ! We will continue to keep all of you in our prayers.
Leaon and Sarafaye Griswold
Your daily blog has been such an uplifting item for us to read each day about your son’s progress. We are so thankful for the answered prayer in his behalf. It’s so exciting to see how he improves with each new day. Thank you for keeping us informed. Our prayers are with you!
Leaon and Sarafaye Griswold
Columbia, Tn
Tammy McCarty
Can’t wait til you get to post you are taking him home. Have a wonderful time and a great new year.
So excited to think Josiah will be going home soon!!!! Pryaing for the right therapists and Drs. near your home! Happy New Year!
Patty Koontz
Praying for Josiah and all the family. Jenn tell your mom I said “Hi”.
Becky Holland High
I totally agree with the Griswolds. I know Jennifer and her family from Twin City Baptist School. It’s been very uplifting! I have been praying for all of you. Praising the Lord for answered prayer! You have all been a light not only at that hospital but here in your blogs every day!
Thank you! Happy New Year!