As I sit in his room late this night, I see my son struggling. Struggling to breath on his own, struggling to awaken so that he can see those around him. I see him struggle to be comfortable with wires coming out of places in his body that they were not meant to be. I see him struggle, and I struggle. I struggle with understanding why I could not be there in his place. I struggle with wondering why God allows bad things to happen to good, young people. I struggle with knowing that I cannot fix anything for my son. Those are real struggles. This is real life. There are times when the struggle can overwhelm us and it is hard.
What I do not struggle with is knowing that my son’s life is in God’s hands. In fact, so is my life. I do not struggle with knowing that God still loves me, even though my son lies in this hospital bed. I do not struggle with believing that God has a purpose for all of this, and that God is interested in how I respond during this journey. He is making me who He wants me to be. He is making Josiah who He wants him to be as well. There is no struggle with believing that God is in control of all things, and that every detail of the situation that I find myself in at this moment was planned out long ago. God works from the future back, so I do not struggle with believing God has already been to the end of this, and there is good that He has planned.
There is nothing wrong with the struggle. It pushes us towards a loving Father that is there with His arms wide open to embrace us. We do not wish for the struggle. We would have a pie in the sky type of life that is a fairy tale with no struggle at all. I would never have asked for this for my son. But I would never take away the opportunity for God to work in His life or in my family through this struggle. Pray we run into God’s arms and continue to find the comfort of His embrace.
2 Corinthians 6:7 “We have spoken the truth, and God’s power has worked in us. In all our struggles we have said and done only what is right.”
Jen and Jack Marvin
We are so sorry for this. We hurt for you and Jenn and we cry with you as well. But we still have to believe that God is God and he has Josiah in his hands. I appreciate the still faith you and Jenn possess. You all have always been such an amazing testimony and now more so. We thank you for that! We love you and will continue to pray for you about the continued healing for Josiah!
Jen and Jack Marvin
Becky Gray
Brother Jason – Thanking God for Josiah’s life and the difference he makes in the lives of those around him. God is good ALL the time
Julie Smies
You are an inspiration. Praying for you.
Karen Rieth
What a glowing testimony of F.A.I.T.H. (Forsaking all, I trust HIM!) Though I do not know you personally, we are siblings in Christ and are called to lift one another in prayer. Vicky is a best & lifetime friend of mine. Continuing to partner in prayer w/you for Josiah and your family during this time. PTL even now, for what He is going to do for your blessing and His Glory; Healings, both physical and spiritual. May you continue to know the Warmth of God’s Love and a parent’s ultimate joy & blessing for Josiah soon!!!
Mary Nevius
Just want to tell you I am praying for your son and for you both as you go day by day in this Journey God is faithful and will accomplish that which He set out to do in your lives.
Mary Nevius
Clifton Curry
Well said. I only pray that I would have the faith and strength to continue to trust in the Lord in difficult times like this one. What a great testimony of continuing to trust God in tough times.
Amber bixel
Beautifully put…he is such a great kid…he is in Gods hands for sure….thanks for your words.
Keith & Mariella Mills
Jason and Jennifer, Praying for all of you! People at Dunbar Baptist Church are praying too! xx
Joan Hubele
Praying for Josiah and your family. Encouraged with your updates.
Pray God is giving you peace and comfort as you go through this
struggle. Hard as parent to watch a child suffer.
Conni Berry
You guys I am so sorry to hear about this accident and what you all are going through. Your posting is worded so well, even though God is in control of all things we are human and struggle with situations. We are and will be praying for Josiah and all of you, as well as all the medical staff for wisdom needed in his treatment. If you are at St. Joseph Regional Medical Center in Mishawaka please let me know. Praying for you guys!!
struggle is what make the butterfly strong. Know that you all are in our prayers brother-in-law. Wish we could be there at this time. We love you
Sue Cole
So well said Jason…. Keeping everyone in prayer…. Praise God for His Mercy and His Grace, past, present and future!
His grace perfect…..
Hello – Abi shared this on her blog. I will be praying for you all. God sees the tapestry on the right side and we see the broken ribbons and messy back side. He is faithful in all things. May He give you strength and comfort and healing for Josiah.