Quotable Tuesday
This week’s quote comes from Tony Robbins. Now, before you get all over me for quoting him, I will say right off the bat that I have no idea about his spiritual condition. I have never read any of his books or heard him speak for more than about five minutes. In fact, I ran across this quote on some unrelated web site. No matter his spiritual condition, what he said has great truth to it:
“But to me the notion that spirituality is separate from the rest of life does not allow for a practical approach to living a life that has extraordinary quality.”
– Tony Robbins
How many times do we compartmentalize our lives into boxes that never touch one another? That is a great issue for many Christ-followers with their faith. It is easy to get in the mind set that if I go to church once a week that I am good. If I am really good, I will read my Bible every day. But that is the end of it. It really has no bearing on anything else I do. Ask yourself this question: “If my faith has no influence or impact on the other things I do in life, what good is it, and why do I need it?”
If we want to live a life that is full and has abundant joy, then our faith must leave its mark in every area of life. We cannot keep it in a box… it affects everything we do and every area of life.