
What a great day to be in God’s House!  We have a TON of people that are sick, but we still had a pretty good attendance in both services today. I am hoping that people get better this week and we can get over all the sickness that has been going around.  Everyone did a great job today!  It is an honor to serve with the team at out church!  Here is the setlist for this week:

Special music – Strong Tower (By Kutlass – Our band did this)

Baptisms – This never gets old!  Love to see people take their first step of obedience!

  • You Never Let GoRedman/Redman
  • From The Inside Out –  Houston
  • Your NameBaloche/Packiam

Video Intro to message

Message – “The Storm Before The Calm”

Time of response



(First service we did Your Name and ‘Tis So Sweet and the special was sung by our pastor’s wife – great job Leslie!)

This post is also part of Sunday Setlists at Fred McKinnon [dot] com.

  1. Jason – great setlist man! How did “Strong Tower” turn out? That’s a powerful song and I’m curious to hear how your congregation responded to it. I think that would be a great song to add to our rotation. Thanks for the ideas and hope this sickness ends soon for you all.

  2. Jeff Miller turned me onto your blog today. Good to find someone else blogging Sunday Setlists here in Wichita!

    We’ve been using Strong Tower at GracePoint for a few years. Awesome song, but it always makes me sad that I don’t play the cello anymore… Someday!

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