I am sorry for the long time between updates.  My website went through domain handler and a host change that took way too long to complete.  The last ten days or so have not been to eventful as far as rehab for Josiah, though they have brought him a sense of being home and getting back to some sense of normality compared to the last several weeks.

Here are some highlights over the last several days:

  • He is doing very well adapting back to being home. He is getting along quite well with his siblings, in fact, he probably is relating better with them now than before the accident.
  • He has not started school yet, but I am expecting that to happen in the next week or so.  He will be home-bound for school for the first month or so.  A teacher will come in several times a week and get him back up to speed.
  • Our appointment with the specialist in Ann Arbor last Friday had to be postponed due to one of three doctors he was suppose to see becoming unavailable. That was a little disappointing, but unavoidable. It was rescheduled for February, which just gives his face some more time to heal on its own.
  • He had his initial evaluations for out-patient rehab last week.  They all recommended him to be seen three times a week for now.  We are waiting for Medicaid to give the authorization for it to start.  We are hoping to still see him start this week.  Until then, I am his therapist (he would much rather have someone else) and we are going to the YMCA to work out every day and doing some stuff at home as well.
  • He continues to make great improvement each day.  He strength is returning and his mind is making improvements that are noticeable to us.  It is amazing to me that so much of him has returned so quickly. He still has a lot of work to do, but he is doing awesome!
  • He has also loved returning to church.  The music lifts his souls and spirit and I can see the excitement in his eyes as we go into the building!

There are probably a million little things that I could list as well.  These are things that we see and notice daily as we tend to him. It is a sign of God’s hand on him to see such progress.  Jennifer and I have both been able to return to work. Friends and family have been a big help with the other kids which has been much appreciated.

There are still some specific things that we are praying for.  We would appreciate your prayers in these areas:

  • Pray for his rehab to get started ASAP! Though he is making progress, I know that the therapists can do much more for him than I can.
  • Pray for us as we open the bills. We are still unsure of what will be paid and what will not be paid.  I know God will supply our needs but it can still be stressful seeing such large numbers!  The first bill I saw from the local hospital that he was first taken to made me throw up in my mouth a bit… really!  That was a very LARGE number!
  • Pray for his schooling to start and pray that he will be able to graduate this year still.  It looks promising, but until we get the word that he can we are left wondering about that.
  • Pray for our family as a whole. We have been in a “holding pattern” for a year now, and with Josiah’s accident, we are not sure of what God has for us in the near future.  I know that God had all this in mind when we left Kansas last year.  I know that He knows where we are headed and what our next steps are.  I am just asking Him to show us a bit of that. My heart’s desire for ministry and pastoring has never been more passionate.
  • Pray that we will continue to meet and make a difference in the lives of people that we meet through this. God has been, and will use this for His purposes, of that I am sure.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

  1. Hey!
    I just learned that I will be working as Josiah’s homebound teacher. That is the first step in the right direction for school! I will contact his teachers tomorrow and call you to set up a time to get together.
    Looking forward to working with you both!
    Mrs. Jones

  2. I just wanted to check on an update on Josiah. I had kept up with the posts each day as they were sent to the Ladies List. This is the first I have checked since then. I have been praying for him each day as well as Jason and Jennifer. I am impressed with his progress – but not surprised ! GOD IS GOOD, and HE IS FAITHFUL.
    Mary Nevius

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