The BIG snowstorm over the last 24 hours gave me a bit of free time to get back to writing updates on Josiah.  He is still making great progress, and though it seems slower at this point, it is still great progress that he is making. I am so proud of the things he has done during this healing process.  He has shown himself to be a strong young man.  Though there are times of frustration and great emotion, these are quickly followed by times of great victory and certainty of God’s almighty hand directing us down the path He has chosen for us. Some of the things that we have seen over the last two weeks that are worth mentioning areas follows:

  • Josiah has started his home bound studies for school.  We are hoping this will only last a month and that he will be able to integrate back into the school system soon.  He has been very self-motivated in getting his work done and is doing a good job with it.
  • He is also doing very well in his out patient therapy.  He is going three times a week for speech, physical and occupational therapy. He has made some great improvements even in the two weeks he has been doing this. Insurance has only given him one month of out patient so far.  We are praying for at least another month to help with his healing.
  • His appointment at the University of Michigan was rescheduled for next Thursday. We are praying the weather will cooperate so we can make the trip.

We are specifically praying for some things that we would like to see happen for him.  Would you pray with us about these things?

  • Pray that the nerves on the right side of his face will start working again. This is what the trip to the University of Michigan is all about next week. We are praying that there will be no need for surgery.
  • Pray that he will be able to get the work done that is necessary for him to graduate.  He is working hard, and the school is working with us to make this happen.
  • Pray that his physical healing will continue at the pace we have seen.  He is doing so well and getting strength back. He even came out and shoveled snow with us today.
  • Pray that he will stay positive and be encouraged. It is easy to get overwhelmed and see things as being hopeless when in his situation. God has shown Himself strong on Josiah’s behalf, and we are praying He will continue to do so.

I will be updating things a little more frequently again now that all my technical issues seem to be resolved.  Thank you again for all of your prayers and the love you have shown to us.  We stand in need of prayer as much now as we have and covet those prayers so very much!

Psalm 5:2-3 “You are my King and my God. Answer my cry for help because I pray to you. Each morning you listen to my prayer, as I bring my requests to you and wait for your reply.”

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