Last Wednesday evening, we were sitting in a Journey Bible class called, “Living God’s “A” Plan” that Mark Waltz was teaching. (By the way, the classes are amazing. If you have not attended one of them, you need to.  It is food for the soul!)  One statement that Mark made, as he was discussing our plans vs. God’s plans really struck me…

“My plan A: “God, change my circumstances.” God’s plan A: Use people (in my circumstances) to change me”

Now, I will be the first to say that I never had any plans at almost 40 years old to be laid off from a church, then, end up working an hourly job at an electronics store while I waited to find a full-time position in a church to serve God in.  After all, I am called to be in full time ministry!  Surely there should not be much of a waiting period for me.  God needs me somewhere!  Right?!?

Evidently, God needs me right here for now.  He is teaching me, and molding me through people that are around me that will make me a better servant to Him and to others.  I am learning more and more each day that His “Plan A” is better than my “Plan A” could ever be.  So, I am leaning into that, and looking for opportunity to see and learn all that He has for me.

Don’t pray for a change of circumstances. Pray that you learn and are changed by the  people in your circumstance.

  1. I’m learning that in the midst of changing circumstances that I can rely on a God that doesn’t change! I love how He is changing and molding…at times it’s not the easiest thing, but ever so necessary!!! Praying for y’all!

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