tired.jpgWell, another Monday! Have you ever seen that commercial for Monster.com where it is a Monday morning and everyone realizes the sun is about to come up, and they rush around finding things to hold up to try and block the sun from the inevitable? That is kind of how I feel today… rainy and dreary here, so that does not help. It is another day to wake up and see what God has in store for us though. I an anxious to see what contacts I am able to make this week as far as finding a new position goes. Our people here have been so kind to encourage us in our journey. Many seem to be just as excited as we are to see where God leads us.

How were your services yesterday? Ours went well musically speaking. Last night is choir we actually started on Hillsong’s “From The Inside Out.” That is probably one of my favorite songs they do. The choir seemed to enjoy it, and the band was rockin… sounded real good, especially since we had a new electric guitar playing with us. He nailed the intro though and that just set the tone for the whole thing. Another weeks practice and we should be good on that one.

Well, I hope everyone has a good week. My plans for this blog are to focus more on worship than on my personal life. I will get to that, but until I get the whole blogging thing down.

I will leave you with one thing, get the book “Unchristian.” It will rock your world. I will post more on that later…

  1. Hey Jason,

    Great to see ya doin’ the blogging thing. Also, thanks for putting me on your blogroll. I will add yours to mine. Our services went well yesterday, I’m still recovering from Easter. We had an awesome day, Easter Sunday, though.
    My set list for yesterday was:

    1st Ser:
    Glory to His Name
    Step by Step
    The Solid Rock
    It Is Well
    O the Blood of Jesus

    2nd Ser
    You Are Good-I. Houghton
    O Praise Him-Crowder
    Wholly Yours-Crowder
    Fairest-New Life
    Mountain of God-Third Day
    Nails in Your Hands-

    Well be praying for ya as you make a decision. I have been there and done that and I didn’t like it while we were going though it, but I realized after is was all done that the Lord took me thought it for my own good. That’s been five years ago and wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

    Have fun,
    Prov. 3:5-6

  2. From the Inside out is One of my favorites right now. On another blog they asked, “If you were trapped for a year on a deserted island with one song on your iPod, what would that song be?”

    From the Inside Out was my answer. This week, though, Saviour King may have risen to the top of the mental chart.

  3. That’s very good that the guitar player hit it on the nose, and that everyone enjoyed it and that the band was rocking. Do you think the song will touch people’s lives and point them toward the whole reason for your worship, Christ/God?

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