I read the book of Philippians today. It is probably my favorite book in the Bible. Every time I read it, I am reminded specifically of two things:

1. That Christ Jesus showed what true humility in coming to this earth, living a Holy life ( what an example for me), and then going to the cross on my behalf. (chapter 2:5-8)

2. My happiness is found is so many things out side of myself. I may go through rough spots here and there, but if I get my focus off of me, and on things that bring true joy I can then live life to the full.

Paul tells us in this book that he finds joy in several things: others (the Philippians themselves, chapter 1), sharing the the gospel (Chapter 2) and God Himself (Chapter 4). He then goes on to explain that he has learned to be content! WOW! Contentment, what is that? It is a foreign word to most of us in the good old USA. But Paul says rich or poor, sick or healthy, respected or not, he had learned to be content, because his sources of joy were outside of himself. What a great reminder for me today. Thanks God!

  1. Nice thoughts, and good reminder. This reminded me of a recent study I did with my men’s group. One has to love Paul… Good start to blogging… keep it up….

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