Worship Confessional: March 22, 2009
I love going to church! I love the teams I serve with and the people that are involved week-in and week-out in making our church a safe place for people to come. When I say safe, I mean a place where people can come, no matter where they are at in life, and check out Who Jesus is, and what the church is all about. It is so awesome to see some of the changes that are taking place in our church that will hopefully help us to reach more people with the love of God. I cannot wait to see what comes next! But, that may be another post this week, for now, here is our set-list for the week:
Intro Video: “Who We Are” (Video about the church and its mission)
Baptism (We got to see four kids baptized today, that never gets old!)
- Sing, Sing, Sing – Tomlin/Reeves/Gilder/Carson/Nunn
- Enough – Tomlin/Giglio
Welcome/Prayer/and greet time (We do not do the greeting all the time, just once and a while)
Message – “A Healthy Church” (3rd in our series: our Pastor spoke on doing ministries that are healthy, not just doing things to do things… I feel a blog post on this during the coming week too!)
Response Time: How Great Is Our God – Tomlin/Reeves/Cash
Musically, we had a pretty good day. We had a rough spot in Made Me Glad, but we pulled out of it ok. We had another song scheduled (Indescribable) but it just did not click today, so we decided to do something else. Sometimes that just happens I guess. I hope everyone had a great day in their church!
This post is also part of Sunday Setlists at Fred McKinnon [dot] com
justin kirkendall
great set list…heck…great day it seems!
made me glad is such a great song
i had one of those day when a planned song just didn’t click and we moved on to another one..
We did “How great” this week too! Love your excitement about reaching people with the love of God.