Worship Confessional: January 18, 2009
Today we wrapped up our series on the church called “The Big D.” The focus of the series was to talk about how everyone fit into the body, and how has delegated to each and every one of us to be a part of the body and to perform our function in the body. The responses that we have gotten have been very positive, and we have seen some movement in the church over the last several weeks of people coming and getting involved. Attendance is up, and people are asking about where they fit in. God really has used this series in our church! It is so cool to see people get connected in ministry and strive to find where they fit in the body! We shook up the order of service for our second service, and it seemed to generate a lot of positive responses as well. Here is our order of service for first service:
9 AM Service
- You, You Are God – Beach
- A New Hallelujah – Smith/Smith/Baloche
Video for our discipleship class
Welcome from our discipleship Pastor
Special – If We Are The Body
Our 10:30 Service:
- You, You Are God – Beach
- All Because – Fee
Video for our discipleship class
Welcome from our discipleship Pastor
Special – If We Are The Body
- The Stand – Houston
- Marvelous Light – Hall
- A New Hallelujah – Smith/Smith/Baloche
Our people really liked going into a worship set after the message. It let us leave with high energy and an excitement that was just awesome! The song we ended with was a perfect fit as an ending, as it is a call for the church to rise up and take Jesus to those around us… to live out the “Song” in our life. Rehearsals were a little rough this week, but God was good and blessed it anyways, allowing it all to come together. Love it when you know it is God!
This post is also part of Sunday Setlists at Fred McKinnon [dot] com.
Steffanie Oltmans
Great set! You did a lot of songs I really like.
You, You Are God – is always such an exciting song to sing!
All Because – is another exciting one.
The Stand – Modern Classic
Marvelous Light – Fun song
David Goodwin
Love the end of the service – to live our the song in our life. Might have to use that when exhorting our team