prayer-hands.jpgToday is just one of those days that I wish I could sleep through. Why? Well, some of you may already know that I am leaving my position as Worship leader at the church I serve in. My wife and I have prayed about it for awhile now, and we really feel that God wants us to go into a more contemporary type ministry to serve in. I am not talking about music, we already do some really good stuff where I am at. I am talking about philosophy and practice. I have a real burden to reach out to younger generations with the true Gospel of Jesus. I say true Gospel because I want to distinguish it from the “Gospel” that some preach that is nothing more than conforming to a certain image and going through the motions and you will be a spiritual person. I am not talking about the “Gospel” that says, accept Jesus and you can go to heaven and escape hell. I am all for the going to heaven and escaping hell thing, but there is so much more to being a Christ follower than that. The Gospel I am talking about is one that is centered around a day to day relationship that we can have with Jesus Christ. That is what Jesus longs for, and that is what will change your life. Not some fire insurance policy that a slick preacher sells you from the pulpit. There is nothing in a fire insurance policy that will help you with the day to day stuff of life.

So, what about this waiting on God stuff? Well, I really thought that we had a position in a great church ready to go. I had not really counted my chickens before they hatched so to say. But the visit we had with the church and the pastor was awesome, and it just seemed to click. But the call came yesterday that he could not say yes yet and that we should keep looking. Not a total closed door, but still not what was expected.

What I know: God knew all this and has a great plan for me and my family.

What is hard: Waiting on God to reveal that. If you know me, you know I am not the most patient person on the face of the planet.

I expect to see God do great things in the coming days. And I am sure He has a great place for us to go and serve, but sleeping this day away would have been a great idea as I wait on Him…

  1. We are praying for you my friend. I know how it can be, the holy expectation coupled with uncertainty…

    Continue to be faithful and wait on Him, and He will take you into His best designs.

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