We are now about 3 months into our “not on a church staff” journey.  There have moments that have been intensely difficult for me, and moments that have been very refreshing.  I am really focused on learning what God has for me to learn during this time of “wandering” (so to say).  I know that God has a plan…

I have no intention of staying out of “full-time” ministry.  In fact, I am more convinced of my call than ever. Even if it is not full time right now, I am serving Him and trying to make a difference in the lives of people that I come in contact with.  By the way, that is the call on all of our lives as Christ followers.  We are to help others take their next steps towards Christ, and to advance God’s Global Glory!

I am being very transparent here.  So as you read this, I hope it helps you rather than makes you think less of me.  (Not that what people think of me matters, I am focused on what God thinks.)

  • There have been moments that I have just wept at the fact that I am not going into the office every day to serve in a church in a full-time capacity.  It is easy to take God’s call on your life for-granted.  If you are serving God in full time ministry, be thankful of that, and count it as a blessing.  You are in a position to have great impact and influence on the lives of people. Use that wisely.
  • It can be difficult to juggle my work life and my church life, but it can be done.  You can have a job and still attend service and be involved in a ministry.  You just have to make it a priority.  Being in this position has allowed me to see that it can be difficult, but also that it can be done.  You can be as involved serving in ministry as you want to be.
  • My wife and kids mean more to me than they ever have.  The situation that we find ourselves in at the moment is far from ideal or what we had planned for our lives at this stage, but I am so proud of the way that Jennifer and the kids have responded. They are a great gift from God to me!
  • This is a time of great growth for me.  Things that I have done for 20 years are taking on new meaning and shape in my life. Songs that sung have more meaning than ever. The teaching of God’s Word is transforming me more than ever.  Relationships  that I have with people are more precious.  My focus to reach people is more clear.  God is shaping me into what I need to be for Him.  I relish that change and pray that it continues.
  • I love doing life with my wife.  She works so hard and has such a great attitude about our “wilderness.”  She inspires me and keeps me focused, especially on my “low” days.  What a gift I have in her!

I have no idea how long this “wilderness wandering” will last for us.  I am not even so sure I should call it that, because even though I may think of it as wandering, God has a great plan.  He is faithful, and will teach us what we need to learn in this stage.  I am leaning into that big time!

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