Quotable Tuesday
I am going to try something on Tuesdays starting today. I love to read. With my reading I come across a lot of good quotes that motivate, inspire and convict me to serve Jesus better and to love people more. I want to pass some of those along here on my blog. I tend to share these quotes, and many more on Twitter if you want to follow. I hope they will motivate, inspire and convict you as well.
This first quote I read on Scott Hodge’s blog a couple years ago. It inspired me to continue charting a course that I felt God wanted me to be on in ministry.
“Until you get your focus OFF of the people who are disgruntled, unhappy, unsupportive, and resistant to the direction God has called you to go, and ONTO those who are excited, supportive and on board, you will NEVER gain momentum and see a new culture created in your church.”
What are your thoughts about this?
That is so true and when you guys were at our church it helped me to look at your lives and remember that not everyone was a complainer. there are people who truly want to do what God wants!