11:28 AMJason Petermann – There is a difference between being responsible to people and being responsible for people…
11:28 AMJason Petermann – we are responsible TO people…
11:29 AMJason Petermann – if we understand that are are responsible TO people, then I understand they have a choice… if I feel responsible for people, I think I should choose for them
11:30 AMJason Petermann – if we understand that are are responsible TO people, then I know they must figure out their next tep… if I feel responsible for people, I think I should tell them what there next step is
11:31 AMJason Petermann – if we understand that are are responsible TO people, then I understand they must bear the consequences of their actions… if I feel responsible for people, I assume the guilt, or worse yet the shame for them
11:33 AMJason Petermann – if we understand that are are responsible TO people, then I share their journeys, offering encouragement and teaching… if I feel responsible for people, I try to direct their journeys, never allowing them to wrestle or mess up
11:39 AMJason Petermann – if we understand that are are responsible TO people, then I talk to God a lot on their behalf… if I feel responsible for people, I tend to talk to people a lot on God’s behalf… WOW!
11:42 AMJason Petermann – “If Jesus trusts the Holy Spirit, maybe we should too”
11:42 AMJason Petermann – It is God that does the growing, we just get in the way…
11:43 AMJason Petermann – Real. Expectations.
11:45 AMJason Petermann – Only one thing fills the gap between expectation and unmet expectation: disappointment
11:45 AMJason Petermann – we need to be clear about what people expect from us…
11:46 AMJason Petermann – get clear
11:46 AMJason Petermann – be real about it…
11:46 AMJason Petermann – we need to call people to own their journeys… if we do that, we better own our own journey
11:46 AMJason Petermann – everyone has a next step
11:47 AMJason Petermann – Be simple.
11:48 AMJason Petermann – We make things WAY to complicated for other people (need to get Kem Meyers book on March 26)
11:49 AMJason Petermann – people will give their lives away to serving
11:50 AMJason Petermann – we have to find a way to make everything that we do in the church to connect to the idea of people being on their journey
11:54 AMJason Petermann – Story. Telling.
11:54 AMJason Petermann – Kathy Guy is joining mark now
11:54 AMJason Petermann – The power of story…
11:55 AMJason Petermann – when we here the stories of people, we realize we are not alone
12:01 PMJason Petermann – showing a video about how no one is alone in the struggles of life… very real and raw stuff
12:06 PMJason Petermann – when we here the stories of people, we realize my story matters to someone else
12:07 PMJason Petermann – when we here the stories of people, we realize that other people’s stories matter too
12:10 PMJason Petermann – when we here the stories of people, we realize that my story connects with God’s story and stories of others around me
12:14 PMJason Petermann – Story telling requires space for people
12:14 PMJason Petermann – space for them to tell their story
12:15 PMJason Petermann – churches need to be the best at creating spaces for people to tell their stories. The church should be better at that than Starbucks and the bar
12:15 PMJason Petermann – unfortunately, people find more acceptance in those places than the church… (shame on us…)
12:15 PMJason Petermann – our church should not be a haven for Christians, but for the people that Christians are suppose to love…
12:17 PMJason Petermann – table sharing now…
12:27 PMJason Petermann – That is the end of session 3. We will be back after lunch for Session 3 (about 1:15 EST)