Don’t make resolutions… make life changes!


I know, it may be a matter of just wording to some, but the idea is this:

Every year people make resolutions to “do better” in areas of life. They are well-intentioned and certainly heart-felt.

It may be:

  • losing weight
  • being better organized
  • reconnecting with friends or family
  • doing better financially

Those things are all great. In fact, I have made some of those same resolutions. But until I actually did something about any area of resolution, they were at best empty words.

We even do the same in our spiritual life. We will:

  • “Live more” for God
  • Spend more time reading the Bible and in prayer
  • Reach out more to people
  • You fill in the blank

Nothing happens by good intentions. It takes action. Action YOU decide to take.

J Oswald Sanders said,

“We are at this moment as close to God as we really choose to be.”

The truth is this: until you actually DO something to change, nothing will happen. You can wish for it all you want, but YOU have to make the decision to take a step: to wake up earlier to read and pray, to step out and serve other people, to be more generous with your time and money.

The question is not “can you?” – but “will you?”

Here are a few ideas and resources to start:

  • Find a church, start attending and get plugged in
  • Bible reading plans:
  • Join a Bible Study group: (for all my peeps at Christ Community Church, go here: )
  • Schedule time to go and serve together as a family (your church probably has a few things you could do!)

Whatever it is, make a life change! Decide to DO something and then take action on it! Change your life… starting today!

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