(Session 3 was a breakout session)

  • Matt says he is not yet ready to totally throw out the attractional model of church because it is still able to reach some people that will not be able to be reached otherwise.  It is also able to do some things that smaller gatherings are unable to do.
  • But, there is something missing in the attractional only model.  There is a growing restlessness among the church laity.
  • For far to long, we have told the masses to come to us and we will fill your needs, we will feed you, we will make you feel comfortable.
  • The laity is restless wondering when they get to get in the fight.
  • We can grow another 3000 people as a church, but if we do that, nothing really changes in the city.  We do not make a difference there.
  • What if instead of growing 3000 more people, we release 3000 people to leave the church and go to the city.
  • Jesus was not make a very good mega-church pastor.  Every time he drew a croud, He ran them off.  It was not His ministry style to gather people, but to work with 12 and send them out.
  • What if it is possible to both attract people and send them out?
  • Matt does it with his church in what they call missional communities.
  • Not just small groups, but groups getting on mission to reach their communities for Christ.
  • They have done three things to make this happen:

o   Change the definition of success for small groups.

o   Train them to be missionaries to their communities.

o   Change the bar as far as what God is able to do through them.

  • After that, you have to let them go to actually be the church.

This is one you have to listen to if it gets posted online at wiredchurches.com!

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