Worship Confessional: January 24th, 2010 (The Finale)
Well, here it goes! This is my very last Worship Confessional as the Worship Pastor at Glenville Church (and likely anywhere, as we are moving into a different phase of ministry). We finished our service just a while ago, and will be heading back to the church in a bit to have a get together with our church family to say goodbye. I always hate this part. Goodbyes are hard, especially when they are not really what you had planned. We will miss Glenville, but are excited to see what adventure is ahead. This week, we will be finishing all the packing, and then Thursday, we will head up to Michigan to stay with some family for a bit. We will post an update on all that once we get up there and get settled. For now, take a look at my last Sunday Setlist:
- Mighty To Save – Fielding/Morgan
- God You Reign – Brewster/Fieldes
Intro of nominated deacons to church
- Glory To God Forever – Fee/Beeching (This has been a theme song for me the last several months. It really conveys the message I want to leave)
Drama – Live In Me (Everyone did excellent! As always! Thanks guys! Especially you DQ!)
Message – Pastor spoke today on the purity of the church
Time of response
Offering/Testimony (I got to share for a few minutes with the church)
It was a good day. An emotional day. And now, we press on to the great white and cold north! This post is also part of Sunday Setlists at theworshipcommunity.com.