Friday Links
Here are some links to posts that I thought were worth your while to take a look at! I hope you enjoy not only the links, but the holiday weekend!
- Some great insight from Scott Williams in his post “Diversity Drives Innovation.”
- Tony Morgan, in his post “Are You A Christian Atheist,” had the chance to interview Craig Groeschel about his newest book, The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn’t Exist
. It takes about ten minutes to listen to, but it is good stuff!
- “You Can See The Determination In His Eyes” was a great post by Seth Godin. I have met Christ followers that have this sense of direction and a “you can’t stop me” attitude about reaching people for Jesus that is just contagious. I want to be one of those people that has that determination and drive!
- Being a leader in the church means you will be faced with tough decisions. Making those decisions can be hard, but it is necessary for the longevity growth of the church. Perry Noble talks about that is his post “Leaders Make Tough Decisions.” Great read!
I hope you all enjoy your weekend! Be safe!