Do We Really Believe This?
As I was reading this morning, I came to this verse and it smacked me upside the head… again…
2 Peter 1:3 “We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God’s own power, when we learned that he had invited us to share in his wonderful goodness.”
I had to stop and ask myself, “Do I really believe and live like I have everything that it takes to please God?” Many Christians live in a state of depression and underachievement because they do not believe they can do what God has moved in their heart to do. Have you ever said, “I would do this for God if I had the talent, ability or opportunity to do it.” That is a cop-out. If God has laid it on your heart then you can do it! God has given us all we need to please Him! Did you get that? God has given us all we need to please Him. Let’s live that way!
Daniel Goepfrich
It’s true! I’ve been teaching the last couple of weeks on this very thing. It seems that Christians will believe just about anything in the Bible EXCEPT that God can give us power over sin to live godly lives.